"Beware of little expenses. A small leak will sink a great ship." (Benjamin Franklin)

Cuts in public spending, house prices, inflation. These are subjects which affect all of us and yet which of us does not feel woefully uninformed when it comes to making decisions about our own spending and household finances, let alone when trying to understand the rationale behind the decisions on public policy. 

Do we know how to differentiate between well established patterns of human behaviour driving economic trends and the world as we would like it to be? How can we reconcile these two thing to achieve a fair and just outcome for ourselves and others?

Learn the basics of bookkeeping and equip yourself to arrange your personal finances more efficiently.  Let our experts help you to solve some of the practical problems affecting you or your business.

Improve your business management skills through workshops and practical activities or get to grips with your accounting software.

Take a more academic approach and study the origins of the welfare state and consider whether our approach to welfare has changed beyond recognition. Trace our philosophy of welfare politics back to the ancient Greeks and make informed judgements about the kaleidoscope of conflicting demands on the public purse and the morality underlying these hard decisions.

Learn about economics on a global scale and how other economies and our trading relationships with them impact upon our everyday lives.

Take ownership of this complex subject and feel confident in your own opinions, rather than relying on the experts who have been so profoundly wrong in the past. 

Study economics and finance

Become financially literate

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