"Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent." (Victor Hugo)

Music, as much as food, has been part of the human condition since human beings could make a sound. Go on a journey through time, discovering the changing nature of music; from the primal beat of primitive cultures to the concert halls of Vienna, the blues, rock and the modern day power ballad! 

Gain a deeper understanding of opera, know your Beethoven from your Brahms, recognise different instruments in the orchestra and discover the stories of the great composers.

Music has been a form of human expression since the dawn of time. Who cannot be moved by the sounding of the Last Post nor by the stories of soldiers comforted by the voice of Dame Vera Lynn? Learn how music is used to help victims of war, silenced by trauma and how learning to play an instrument can help children develop.

Discover how Bob Marley changed the face of politics in Jamaica and how his legacy still shapes the country now.

Music evokes memories and helps us to express ourselves. Every culture has its own distinctive style of music. It is part of us and unites and divides us in equal measure. Think of the recent attacks in Manchester arena and what this means for music in the face of terrorism.

Go on guided trips to the cities of the great European composers or study the music of primitive cultures in the world today. Or, master the wonders of Garage Band in the comfort of your own phone! Whatever appeals to you, music is all around us and in us. Go on a musical odyssey with our experts.

Potential Themes

  • The history of music
  • The story of opera
  • Great composers and their stories

  • Composition
  • Art and music
  • Music therapy

  • Musical Genres – blues, rock and punk
  • Musical icons
  • Making music

Study Music

Go on a musical odyssey with our experts.

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